Ham Glamurós

Unidad: Pieza
Origen: ESPAÑA

1.131,35  VAT included

The products called Glamurós are authentic jewels of craftsmanship of the national gastronomy. In order to choose them, each piece of ham or shoulder ham has undergone a very exhaustive quality control that starts from the moment it leaves the salting process until it is ready for consumption.
The Enrique Tomas specialists, who are true masters in the art of ham, identify from very early on the pieces that are most likely to achieve excellence. These hams are set aside from the first inspection and are analyzed in great detail over the curation process. Not all the hams that are set aside from the beginning evolve towards excellence, so throughout the 36 months of curing, only the perfect hams continue to be set aside.
At the end of the process, only a select few are left. Each year there is a different quantity of no more than 100-200 hams. Those that meet all the characteristics of a sensational acorn-fed Iberian ham are those that Enrique Tomás calls Glamurós. The jewel in the crown. Quality in its purest form.
Presentation: Piece of 9 kilos (approximate).
Recommendations: Keep in a cool and dry place, preferably hanging, or in a ham holder.
Once started, consume within 21 days.

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